Occupational therapy is a branch of healthcare that focuses on helping people of all ages with physical, sensory, or cognitive problems. At-home occupational therapy helps people regain independence in all areas of their lives by helping with the barriers that affect a person’s emotional, social, and physical needs. OT is offered in various settings such
Read MoreHome Health Services
Home Healthcare – The Basics
The hospital isn’t the only place you can get quality healthcare. With a home healthcare provider, you or a loved one can get all the medical services needed without setting foot outside the home. Home healthcare is a variety of patient care services that mainly depend on the individual patient’s situation. It is designed to
Read MoreHow to Find the Best in Nursing Home Therapy Services
Speech, occupational, and physical therapy are the health services that should be a part of integrated patient care at a skilled nursing facility. However, should your therapy staff be home-grown or provided by a competent, well-rated contract entity? Let’s talk about how to find the best therapy services to staff nursing homes. Therapy Services Should Be Patient-centered Optimal
Read MoreGraduate Nurse Fellowship Program
Today, new nursing graduates face challenges that many of us never considered when we started our careers. The ongoing COVID pandemic, staff shortages, supply shortages, long hours, senior nursing staff leaving the inpatient settings, burnout – the list is endless of what healthcare professionals are up against. The prospect of starting a career in home
Read MoreRevenue Cycle Under PDGM
As our clinical teams have been learning about case management under the Patient Driven Grouping Model (PDGM), the revenue cycle teams have been hard at work breaking processes. This may sound counterintuitive, but I promise, it’s not. We have been testing theories and finding cash bottlenecks and communication. Just imagine the faces when you say
Read MoreThe Importance Of Internship Experience
Becoming a college grad sure does have its perks: no more exhausting exams to sit through, lengthy research papers to write, or struggling to make it on the honor roll each semester. Finally, after 4 long years, the hard work has paid off and you’ve earned your degree. At first, grad life will seem like
Read MoreWhy Mentor Programs Give You The Advantage
Starting a new job can be accompanied by a whirlwind of emotions: anxious, excited, stressed, overwhelmed, nervous, the list goes on. While family and friends do their best to calm your nerves, it can be challenging to appreciate their advice when faced with the reality of beginning a new job. However, the best organizations will
Read MoreEmployee Morale At Advantage
Effective business leaders recognize employee morale as a fundamental aspect of success. Without it, industry leaders put their company in jeopardy of lower productivity rates, tense work environments, higher absenteeism, reduced collaboration, lower employee satisfaction rates, and ultimately, higher turnover. If anything is certain, it’s that employees are the foundation of the organization and their
Read MoreHow Advantage Is Preparing For PDPM & PDGM- A Message From Our CEO, Amy Hancock
Whether you are an AdvantageCare Rehab employee or an employee of Advantage Home Health, I am sure you recognize the ongoing challenge of providing exceptional, high quality care while exceeding the patients’ expectations. Outcomes and satisfaction have become the name of the game and soon reimbursement will be link to quality and outcomes. However, as
Read MoreWelcome To Our Blog
Thank you for visiting our blog. We look forward to connecting with you. Advantage is excited to bring you the latest information about how we can help people get healthier and achieve independence to improve their outlook and quality of life. Occasionally, this blog will also be used to post updates about our practice and keep
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