Written by: Danielle Wareham VP of Clinical Compliance COVID 19, no one ever expected what would happen or for us to be where we are today. I know if someone would have told me we would be in a global pandemic a year ago, and the world would be what it is today, I would
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‘Twas The Berks Heim Therapy Team
‘Twas the Berks Heim Therapy Team ready to get to work Smiling and waving hello to aides, nurses, and the unit clerk. The therapists are ready to treat with compassionate care In hopes that each resident is excited to see them there. Some residents are nestled, all snug in their beds. While visions of exercises
Read MoreThrough the Eyes of Our Team
As quickly as spring was approaching, in mid-March, our lives seemed to come to a screeching halt. Every healthcare employee was thrown into the pandemic of COVID-19 and none of us seemed prepared enough for it. Ready or not, each morning we entered our building ready to take on our days, give our all to
Read MoreProviding Patient-Centered Care During a Pandemic
Working in long-term care during a pandemic poses a unique set of challenges for therapists, from wearing PPE all day to providing only in-room treatments. Patients, however, face their own set of problems. Visitor restrictions and the cancellation of group activities increases social isolation and depression. As therapists, it is our job to treat all
Read MoreThe People Behind The Mask
Healthcare isn’t an easy career pathway to choose, but those who have the passion for helping others wouldn’t have chosen any other profession. It has been said, “you have two hands; one to help yourself and the other for someone in need.” Well I agree. Working in skilled nursing takes someone who has passion and
Read MoreA ‘thank you’ to our senior citizens this Thanksgiving Season
During the Holiday season, it is important to turn our thoughts to those who fill our hearts with so much happiness. As Thanksgiving is a time to enjoy delicious food, time away from the office and holiday themed festivities, we ask that you take a moment to realize who you are able to celebrate this
Read MoreFunctional Friday at Advantage
Throughout the month of August, our rehabilitation facilities have taken part in a fun, innovative program called the “Functional Friday Challenge.” Lisa Beck, Clinical Director for AdvantageCare Rehabilitation and co-creator of the exciting, new challenge said, “We are always encouraging our therapists to ‘think outside the box’ and provide functionally based activities to meet patient
Read MoreAmy Hancock, President/CEO wins 2019 Business Member of the Year Award
AdvantageCare Rehabilitation’s President/CEO and Co-Founder, Amy Hancock, has set the highest of standards for innovation and dedication to the long-term care industry since founding her company in 2003. In just a short time of working alongside Amy or witnessing her hard at work, it doesn’t take long to understand how passionate she is for making
Read MoreRevenue Cycle Under PDGM
As our clinical teams have been learning about case management under the Patient Driven Grouping Model (PDGM), the revenue cycle teams have been hard at work breaking processes. This may sound counterintuitive, but I promise, it’s not. We have been testing theories and finding cash bottlenecks and communication. Just imagine the faces when you say
Read MoreThe Importance Of Internship Experience
Becoming a college grad sure does have its perks: no more exhausting exams to sit through, lengthy research papers to write, or struggling to make it on the honor roll each semester. Finally, after 4 long years, the hard work has paid off and you’ve earned your degree. At first, grad life will seem like
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