Written by the team at The Village at Penn State Here at The Village at Penn State, before the pandemic, we had families, friends, volunteers, interns and many more people that were here for our residents on a daily basis. Mostly just spending time with them, pampering them, singing, and laughing with them. When our
Read MoreMy Advantage Story…
My Advantage Story… My name is LaVonne and not only am I a proud employee of Advantage Home Health Services, but this year I was also a patient! I was recovering from foot surgery that took place on October 7th, 2020. I also had knee issues that have been occurring for nearly a year. I
Read MoreThe Therapy Gym
Author: Mon Valley Care Center Therapy Team What is the “Therapy Gym?” It is full of mat tables, parallel bars, weights, bands, an upper arm bike, walkers, canes, hot packs, an e-stim, an OT kitchen and many other types of equipment to be utilized in the rehabilitation of our skilled nursing patients. It is the
Read MoreComing Together, Working Together, Succeeding Together
“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” – Henry Ford. Pre-pandemic, we did a lot of activities with our residents that we can’t do right now. We would cook, have multiple residents in the gym, do home assessments, community outings, and have some of the best team building
Read MoreA Dose of Hope for the New Year
Author: Kara Cameron, DOR, Messiah Village The COVID-19 vaccine is HERE!!!! The AdvantageCare team at Messiah Village had the opportunity to be vaccinated on January 2, 2021; what a great way to start the New Year! Over 400 team members and residents participated in the first round of vaccination on this day. The second
Read MoreGetting into the Holiday Spirit!
Carissa Hicks, DOR, Grove Manor The holidays are a special time of year – filled with traditions, memories, and special moments. The ACR team at Grove Manor has the privilege of spending the season with our residents. The traditions we’ve enjoyed with them include making ornaments, decorating a Christmas tree, listening to holiday music, and
Read MoreTherapy’s Role in Mitigating COVID-19
Author: Mitzi A. Kweder, M.S. CCC-SLP, Director of Quality and Standards of AdvantageCare Rehabilitation The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the entire globe by taking so many lives and obliterating numerous industries in its wake. It has greatly affected our lives as therapists in the skilled nursing facilities in so many ways as well. We have
Read MoreHome Health: Adapting to the Pandemic
Written by: Danielle Wareham VP of Clinical Compliance COVID 19, no one ever expected what would happen or for us to be where we are today. I know if someone would have told me we would be in a global pandemic a year ago, and the world would be what it is today, I would
Read More‘Twas The Berks Heim Therapy Team
‘Twas the Berks Heim Therapy Team ready to get to work Smiling and waving hello to aides, nurses, and the unit clerk. The therapists are ready to treat with compassionate care In hopes that each resident is excited to see them there. Some residents are nestled, all snug in their beds. While visions of exercises
Read MoreThrough the Eyes of Our Team
As quickly as spring was approaching, in mid-March, our lives seemed to come to a screeching halt. Every healthcare employee was thrown into the pandemic of COVID-19 and none of us seemed prepared enough for it. Ready or not, each morning we entered our building ready to take on our days, give our all to
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